Sunday, May 24, 2020

Deploying MySQL InnoDB Cluster on Kubernetes

Nowadays organizations are starting to adopt a cloud-native environment with a microservices architecture where applications run on containers. Many organizations adopt application deployments on containers that allow them to have more frequent application releases than one large release, which continually increases organizational efficiency and productivity, which ultimately provides enhanced business agility. Kubernetes has so far been the main pioneer of the adopted open-source container-orchestration.

MySQL is designed and optimized for web-scale applications that require a lot of flexibility to scale and distributed data to meet the needs of continuous integration applications and deployment requirements, and MySQL works well in containerization with Kubernetes.

Last month I delivered a webinar about running MySQL InnoDB Cluster (IDC) on Kubernetes and I decided to share the steps on this blog. MySQL InnoDB Cluster (IDC) is a shared-nothing clustering solution based on group replication that provide solid and consistent high availability experience on bare-metal, VMs, and Kubernetes. Further information on IDC can be obtained from the following online-source:

I start my technical discussion here with the common understanding that database is a stateful “application”, and hence it is best to be deployed as StatefulSet in Kubernetes.

Architecture diagram for 3-nodes InnoDB Cluster
Deployed as StatefulSet in Kubernetes

Every cluster nodes will run as a container within its own Pod. One thing to note is the IDC stores nodes’ hostname in its metadata, therefore to facilitate the group replication, we shall create a service for each Pods. A service in Kubernetes is an abstraction that defines a logical set of Pods.

We are going to deploy the IDC manually without an operator, to understand the basic concept of the deployment.

Let’s try that on Minikube!

A.   Prepare environment for the 1st time

·      Install kubectl

Install kubectl in Linux:

Install kubectl in MacOS:

Install kubectl in Windows:

Install Cygwin (Windows only):

·      Install kubectl

·      Install Minikube

For Windows:

For Linux:

$ curl -Lo minikube && chmod +x minikube

$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/

$ sudo install minikube /usr/local/bin/

·      Start minikube

$ minikube start

B.    Create Kubernetes Namespace

Namespace is a compartmentlike as a way to divide Kubernetes cluster resources between multiple users, projects, departments, etc. We need a namespace to run IDC and let’s name it as “mysql-cluster”:

$ kubectl create ns mysql-cluster

C.   Store MySQL Root Password into a Secret

The following secret.yaml stores the encrypted word "root" as a secret in Kubernetes which we named “mysql-root-password”.

apiVersion: v1

kind: Secret


  name: mysql-root-password

  namespace: mysql-cluster

type: Opaque


  password: cm9vdA==

Apply secret.yaml:

$ kubectl apply -f secret.yaml

Check if the secret is applied correctly into mysql-cluster namespace:

$ kubectl -n mysql-cluster get secret

// below is what I have on my environment:

NAME                                    TYPE                                                 DATA   AGE

default-token-2ktnz             3      50d

mysql-operator-token-lgs6r       3      50d

mysql-root-password              Opaque                                                 1      2s

D.   Deploy the StatefulSet for IDC

The following Innodb-cluster.yaml deploys:

·      StatefulSet with 3 replicas (three Pods)
·      One MySQL database container on each Pod.
·      Service for each Pod where the name is the same as the Pod name


apiVersion: apps/v1

kind: StatefulSet


  name: innodb-cluster

  namespace: mysql-cluster


  replicas: 3

  serviceName: innodb-cluster



      app: innodb-cluster




        app: innodb-cluster



     - image: mysql/mysql-server:latest

       name: mysql


         - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD



                name: mysql-root-password

                key: password


         - name: data-vol

           mountPath: /var/lib/mysql


  - metadata:

      name: data-vol                                  


      accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]                



          storage: 1Gi


apiVersion: v1

kind: Service


  name: innodb-cluster-0

  namespace: mysql-cluster



  - port: 3306

  selector: innodb-cluster-0

  clusterIP: None


apiVersion: v1

kind: Service


  name: innodb-cluster-1

  namespace: mysql-cluster



  - port: 3306

  selector: innodb-cluster-1

  clusterIP: None


apiVersion: v1

kind: Service


  name: innodb-cluster-2

  namespace: mysql-cluster



  - port: 3306

  selector: innodb-cluster-2

  clusterIP: None

Apply innodb-cluster.yaml:

$ kubectl apply innodb-cluster.yaml

Get Pod status and repeat until all Pods status shows "RUNNING"

$ kubectl -n mysql-cluster get pod

// below is what I have on my environment after run “get pod” multiple time.


innodb-cluster-0   1/1     Running   0          33s

innodb-cluster-1   1/1     Running   0          23s

innodb-cluster-2   1/1     Running   0          13s

E.    Configure the IDC

First, we need to run configureInstance on each database cluster nodes. Run configureInstance will finds any settings which are not compatible with InnoDB cluster and make changes. To provide smooth execution when run on containers, we can set persist some system variables.

// configure node 1

kubectl -n mysql-cluster exec -it innodb-cluster-0 -- mysql -uroot -proot -s -N -e "create user root@'%' identified with mysql_native_password by 'root'; grant all privileges on *.* to root@'%' with grant option; set persist binlog_checksum=NONE; set persist gtid_mode=OFF_PERMISSIVE; set persist gtid_mode=ON_PERMISSIVE; set persist enforce_gtid_consistency=ON; set persist gtid_mode=ON; set persist server_id=100; SET sql_log_bin=OFF; reset master; drop database if exists mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata; SET sql_log_bin=ON;"

// configure node 2

kubectl -n mysql-cluster exec -it innodb-cluster-1 -- mysql -uroot -proot -s -N -e "create user root@'%' identified with mysql_native_password by 'root'; grant all privileges on *.* to root@'%' with grant option; set persist binlog_checksum=NONE; set persist gtid_mode=OFF_PERMISSIVE; set persist gtid_mode=ON_PERMISSIVE; set persist enforce_gtid_consistency=ON; set persist gtid_mode=ON; set persist server_id=200; SET sql_log_bin=OFF; reset master; drop database if exists mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata; SET sql_log_bin=ON;"

// configure node 3

kubectl -n mysql-cluster exec -it innodb-cluster-2 -- mysql -uroot -proot -s -N -e "create user root@'%' identified with mysql_native_password by 'root'; grant all privileges on *.* to root@'%' with grant option; set persist binlog_checksum=NONE; set persist gtid_mode=OFF_PERMISSIVE; set persist gtid_mode=ON_PERMISSIVE; set persist enforce_gtid_consistency=ON; set persist gtid_mode=ON; set persist server_id=300; SET sql_log_bin=OFF; reset master; drop database if exists mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata; SET sql_log_bin=ON;"

Then, we can run configureInstance on each node as follow:

// configureInstance on node 1

kubectl -n mysql-cluster exec -it innodb-cluster-0 -- mysqlsh -- dba configure-instance { --host= --port=3306 --user=root --password=root } --clusterAdmin=root --restart=false --interactive=false

// configureInstance on node 2

kubectl -n mysql-cluster exec -it innodb-cluster-1 -- mysqlsh -- dba configure-instance { --host= --port=3306 --user=root --password=root } --clusterAdmin=root --restart=false --interactive=false

// configureInstance on node 3

kubectl -n mysql-cluster exec -it innodb-cluster-2 -- mysqlsh -- dba configure-instance { --host= --port=3306 --user=root --password=root } --clusterAdmin=root --restart=false --interactive=false

Once done, we create cluster using the following command:

// create cluster

kubectl -n mysql-cluster exec -it innodb-cluster-0 -- mysqlsh root@localhost:3306 --password=root -- dba create-cluster myCluster --ipAllowlist=''

Add those remaining two nodes into cluster:

// add instance node 2 to cluster

kubectl -n mysql-cluster exec -it innodb-cluster-0 -- mysqlsh root:root@localhost:3306 -- cluster add-instance root:root@innodb-cluster-1:3306 --recoveryMethod=clone --ipAllowlist=''

// add instance mode 3 to cluster

kubectl -n mysql-cluster exec -it innodb-cluster-1 -- mysqlsh root:root@localhost:3306 -- cluster add-instance root:root@innodb-cluster-2:3306 --recoveryMethod=clone --ipAllowlist=''

Check the cluster status using the following command:

// check cluster

kubectl -n mysql-cluster exec -it innodb-cluster-0 -- mysqlsh root:root@localhost:3306 --  cluster status

Herewith the output on my environment:

WARNING: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.


    "clusterName": "myCluster",

    "defaultReplicaSet": {

        "name": "default",

        "primary": "innodb-cluster-0:3306",

        "ssl": "REQUIRED",

        "status": "OK",

        "statusText": "Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure.",

        "topology": {

            "innodb-cluster-0:3306": {

                "address": "innodb-cluster-0:3306",

                "mode": "R/W",

                "readReplicas": {},

                "replicationLag": null,

                "role": "HA",

                "status": "ONLINE",

                "version": "8.0.22"


            "innodb-cluster-1:3306": {

                "address": "innodb-cluster-1:3306",

                "mode": "R/O",

                "readReplicas": {},

                "replicationLag": null,

                "role": "HA",

                "status": "ONLINE",

                "version": "8.0.22"


            "innodb-cluster-2:3306": {

                "address": "innodb-cluster-2:3306",

                "mode": "R/O",

                "readReplicas": {},

                "replicationLag": null,

                "role": "HA",

                "status": "ONLINE",

                "version": "8.0.22"



        "topologyMode": "Single-Primary"


    "groupInformationSourceMember": "innodb-cluster-0:3306"


Finally! We have InnoDB Cluster runs on Kubernetes.

Next, I will write how to deploy MySQL Router on Kubernetes.

The method and tricks presented here are experimental only and it’s your own responsibility to test, implement and support in case of issues. It is only showing example and not for a production deployment, as this is not formally a supported configuration. I encourage more testing to be done, including by development team.

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